Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Head of State Blog

The movie "Head of State" staring Chris Rock satirizes modern politicians and political figures as well as the entire nonsense associated with election campaigns. More specifically, they poke fun at the fact that politicians do not state their true beliefs, only what will get them elected. A prime example of this would be when Mays' opponent Lewis flew to a school where a tragedy occurred and only stayed their for the interview where he states his "sorrow". Another example of this would be when Lewis released the attack ad stating the Mays supports cancer, which is of course absurd. However, the movie is not just about poking fun at politics. It also shows the growth of the film's protagonist, Mays Gilliam. Mays began as a alderman of a town and slowly worked his way up to a presidential disposition. Initially when he began running for president he did everything his advisors told him. This all changed when Mays met his brother Mitch, played by the great actor Bernie Mac. Mitch tells Mays to be himself and talk about his views and not the views of the party. This eventually leads to Mays running his campaign in a completely unorthodox way, including openly cursing in front of the crowds to dubbing a video of Osama bin Laden saying that he hates America but loves Lewis. This film is a perfect way to remind everyone how silly and power hungry politicians are.